Friday, March 8, 2013

Oral Presentation

Here is a link to my oral presentation. Not to sure about it. I may have gotten a little carried away. I was trying to cover everything that I felt was important.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Print Portfolio

These are the pages that are in my print portfolio.

Final Demo Reel

Here is a link to my final demo reel. There are a couple pieces that I still feel have some work that needs to be done. I also have a few other pieces that I would like to fix and add.

Let me know what you think.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Rough Cut Demo Reel

Here is a link to my rough cut demo reel.

Week 8

This is what I have been working on. You get to see where I am heading with my print portfolio. I have added the rest of the dialog in Foiled and finished the lip synch of it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Demo Reel

Here are the links to the projects for my demo reel.

Here are the ones that are completely finished:

Steampunk Machine

Fly around

3D Simulation

Lip Synch

City Swim

These two I would love some opinions on how to make them better.

Eternal Love

 For Foiled I need to adjust the lip synch that I have done and add the rest of the vocals and lip synch. 

Art pieces to substitute  the premiere piece.

Character Design

Concept Art  

Friday, February 22, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Eternal love link

For some reason my link did not work.

This should work.

Eternal love

Here is some progress. I added some camera moves. This week I will be adding bats, clouds and finish the animation.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Demo Reel Start

Here is what I have so far. Right now it is extremely rough. I have transitions and titles to do. Also Foiled and Eternal love still need to be finished.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Skeleton Love

This is an introduction to my 2D animation. I still have work to do, but its a good start.

It will be 15 seconds in total. Right now it is at 11. I still need inbetweens and touch ups.


Steampunk Tattoo Machine
Title Sequence for  Demo Reel

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Links to projects and progress

lip synch
Little Grey man on a stage. For this project I have to adjust some of the lip movement otherwise it is done.
3D simulation
A building that I textured and added rain and thunder to.This one is where I want it to be, unless someone sees something that I should adjust.
audio clip
This is a combination of taking a scene and adding your own sound effects and voice over. The only thing that I need to fix is the part when she is running away, the music is not intense enough for the scene.
city swim
This is my first experience in after effects. This is my use of different effects in the program. I created all the elements except for the city itself. It was a scene filmed in Italy. I changed the entire look of the video and then added all my own elements and music. For this piece I want to need to change the banner.
textured model
This was a model that I textured and added lighting to. For this I need to add some grass and slow down the camera moves.
tattoo machine
This is a steampunk tattoo machine that I built and animated. The tattoo machine will be in my title. It needs a few more gears and then it will be done.
This is one of my 2D animations that I really like the story. I am adjusting some of the animation in sec 30-102.

For Eternal love I don't have a link yet. I am hoping to have one up later this week. It is about two that fall in love even in death.